I am a procrastinator who is finally putting my ideas into motion.
After many years as a professional cog stuck in a corporate wheel, I've decided to take control of my own future and do things my way.
I've opted to remain anonymous here only because I still work full time in a professional field and prefer to keep the two separate, if I can!
This is the account of my online entrepreneurial journey; the good, the bad and full disclosure of what I earn along the way.
Lets see what happens when I really try.
Failure to Launch
I purchased this domain name in 2018 and started tinkering with it.
I revisited it in November 2022. Same again.
At the time of writing and pressing publish on this revised version, it is July 2023.That is a total of five years procrastination! Meanwhile, I've continued to sit here and think (dream) about what I'd like to do and achieve...
I have concluded that, when procrastination is coupled with the expectation of perfection, nothing ever gets produced because the net result is never 'good enough'. I call this Failure to Launch.
I've learned to work around this in my professional career purely because, despite sitting at a desk al day, I have a job that is high pressure and adrenaline driven therefore I have no option but to hit that send button. So lets see what I can do, if I really try...
I am sure I am not alone in the above, but if this site does not help you on your own online journey, I really hope it at least encourages those of you with similar traits to mine that it can be worked around, and maybe even overcome.
I have to use the word maybe until I prove myself to both you and myself!
Feel free to ask away by using Contact Me or in the comments!.